Construction Safety Week 2021 May 7, 2021
Here is to a successful Construction Safety Week! From May 3 to May 7, our focus was on emphasizing the importance of fall prevention. We are always committed to continuously improving our safety culture and sending each team member home safe each day, but we welcomed the opportunity to talk about this important topic.
M. B. Kahn requires everyone working from an elevation above an existing hazard, or working at 6 feet or higher, to use 100% fall protection such as guardrails and personal fall arrest systems. Did you know that human error is by far the most frequent factor that can create slips, trips, and fall on a jobsite? Far behind humans are slippery surfaces, stairs, and ladders. We educate our workers to inspect fall protection devices and anchor points prior to each use, and remove damaged fall protection. Diligence = Success. #mbkahn #constructionsafetyweek #safetyweek