CM at Risk Delivery Enhancing Project Owner Control

Compared to the straight “low bid” process, the Construction Management at Risk (CM at Risk) delivery method gives the owner more control over the process and allows for quality and experience to be considered, rather than simply a low price. We provide a guaranteed maximum price to the owner before construction begins. A CM at Risk delivery returns cost savings to the owner. A competitive fee proposal, coupled with the requirement for a guaranteed maximum price, assures that your facilities will be built economically. With the extra services of CM at Risk, potential savings can range from 5% to 15% of the project cost. M. B. Kahn has completed over $1.2 billion in CM at Risk contracts.


CM at Risk BenefitsReinforcing Quality & Efficiency

M. B. Kahn is equipped to deliver each of the CM at Risk benefits listed below.

  • A guaranteed maximum price
  • A guaranteed schedule delivery
  • Coverage from our full surety bond
  • Ability as owner to retain all savings
  • Only one construction contract to oversee
  • Great flexibility in choosing contractors

What People Are Saying

“From the beginning of our relationship it was evident to us that we made the best decision possible in selecting M. B. Kahn as general contractor for the project.”

- Hemalata Patel, Owner, Holiday Inn in West Columbia