General Contracting Trust the Southeast's General Contractor

M. B. Kahn offers a full line of construction services that can be structured to your particular needs. As your general contractor, our services take your project from concept to completion with astonishing results. M. B. Kahn provides the best value for your dollar, and we assure completion on time and within budget. We can assemble any combination of services to create a customized program for your unique project requirements.


Adding ValueWhen Choosing a Contractor

How do you know who to trust when it comes to your project? The wrong contractor can derail your project at the start, wasting time and resources. M. B. Kahn has proven it can handle any job with precision and attention to every detail, making it the choice you can rely on.

Trust the general contractor that’s carried a strong reputation for 95+ years. Our clients continue to call on us because we add value to their projects, and we don’t take that for granted.

What People Are Saying

“During the 2 year renovation project, student test scores improved. I attribute the success to not only the good work of teachers, but also to the smoothness with which the project was managed.”

- Dr. John Dunn, Retired Superintendent, Camden County Schools, NC